Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wicked Great Weekend

What a fun weekend it has been! So fun in fact that I forgot for a minute that I am a college student with a paper to write and various other assignments to work on. I need to hit the books today!

Anywhoo, amazingly great cookout Friday night at some friends' house, and with 2 of my closest bff's there, it was sure to be a good time. Saturday I got my hair did, and packed a beach bag to head to a fabulous pool party that lasted until the wee hours of the night and even into brunch this morning. That Hannah girl throws a mean party, not to mention cooks a kickarse waffle.

Quick update, I lost 1.5 lbs in my first week of weight watchers. A small feat, but I am insanely excited about it! The results will be motivation for me to keep at it and get even closer to my goal. Woohoo!!

This week is going to be INSANE! I am dogsitting for not one, but 2 families the end of the week. The good news is that I will be forced to get some dog walking exercise. YEsssss!!

I need to get my nose in the books. Fun times!

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